Analytical scales
Animal scales
ATEX weighing
Baby scales
Banknote counters
Batching scales
Beam scales
Bed scales
Bench scales
Butchery scales
Chair scales
Coin counters
Container weighing SOLAS
Counting scales
Crane and hanging scales
Digitala vågar
Fishing scales
Floor scales
Force sensors
Hand grip dynamometers
Industry of things
Kitchen scales
Label scales
Load cells
Luggage scales
Measuring instruments
- Scale with resolution 0,01 milligram
- Scale with resolution 0,1 milligram
- Scale with resolution 0,001 gram
- Scale with resolution 0,01 gram
- Scale with resolution 0,1 gram
- Scale under 1 gram
- Scale 1-220 gram
- Scale 2-10 kg
- Scale 10-50 kg
- Scale 50-100 kg
- Scale 100-200 kg
- Scale 300-500 kg
- Scale 500-1000 kg
- Scale 1500-2000 kg
- Scale 3000 kg and over
- Calibration & Service
- Load cells
- Brands
- Magazine
- Login
Business concept
Vetek's business concept is to provide our customers with fast and professional service and provide affordable products that meet or exceed customers' expectations.
Our quality policy (Download our quality policy as pdf, click here)
Vetek is a company that with clear business areas and rational logistics, markets its goods primarily in the Nordic region, the rest of the EU and a smaller share globally. By constantly keeping track of new products and trends, we must always be able to offer our customers modern and affordable products. For us, it is a matter of course to meet the requirements set by applicable standards and directives. Constant development and change means that we become a leading supplier of scales and weighing systems. Our philosophy is that we stock all items we sell if they are sold at least once a year. This means that we have a large warehouse but also a large strength as we can deliver quickly.
We are customer focused! It is the customer who pays our salaries. We are guided by creating customer value and Vetek's existence depends on whether the customers value what we provide and the value we create for the customer. If not, the foundation for our continued operations will be eroded. In prioritizing between different tasks, we must always choose the task that creates the most value for our costumers first.
Väddö 2024-12-06
Rasmus Viktorsson, CEO