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About scales

A scale is one of the most accurate instruments available today. Technology has evolved significantly since the first balance scales was found in India more than 4,000 years ago.

Now most scales have an accuracy of parts per thousand. They can have that accuracy because scales today are an advanced combination of mechanics, electronics and innovative technical solutions. Because they are so advanced, it is important to choose a scale that is of good quality and of a high standard.

Which scale model you choose naturally depends on how heavy things you need to weigh and what accuracy is required, both when it comes to how detailed the weight is reported and how large the margin of error may be. The most important things to look at are capacity, resolution and accuracy.


A scale's capacity is how heavy a load the scale is able to weigh. The highest weight that the scale can handle is also called the scale's maximum load. Almost all scales can also withstand a 50% overload in addition to the maximum load, but then no weight is shown in the display.


The scale's resolution is about how big the steps are between each scale part in the display. The resolution is often related to the capacity of the scale. The scales that are supposed to weigh heavier things rarely need to have as high resolution as scales that are supposed to weigh very small things and that can show exact weight down to the microgram.


In general, all scales have an accepted margin of error, but how much deviation a scale has is determined by the scale's accuracy. Most of the time, the error display on most scales is insignificant in relation to the weight class for which the scale is designed. With the right kind of scale and in good environments, it is common that in practice you can get better accuracy than 0.1 per mille.

Many scales are EU type approved and can therefore be verified. Verification is a check of the scale where it is tested individually by an independent authority, for example SP (Provning & Forskning, formerly called Statens Provningsanstalt). They certify with a certificate that the scale does not deviate more than permitted according to the standard to which all type-approved scales have been tested.

Here are links for those who want to delve further into weighing and measuring.

SP - https://www.sp.se/sv/index/services/verification/Sidor/default.aspx

OIML - https://www.oiml.org/en/about/about-oimlOIML - https://www.oiml.org/en/files/pdf_r/r076-1-e92.pdf/view

Do you have difficulty knowing which scale is right for you? Feel free to contact us, and we will help you find the right scale.

Call us on 0176-20 89 20 or email info@vetek.se

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